Developers' Universe
Developers' Universe
XOOPS is a content management system, Open source, which allows the creation and maintenance of dynamic websites.
XOOPS is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), which means that you can copy, modify, and redistribute the source code as long as you comply with the license terms.
XOOPS is an acronym for eXtensible Object Oriented Portal Ssystem.
The CMS XOOPS is built on a framework XMF basis (XOOPS Module Framework) written in the PHP language, using a MySQL database and which provides a set of specifications for:
- The routines,
- The data structures,
- The object classes,
- The variables,
- The namespaces.
Development tutorials
- Tutorials for Module Developers
- Integrate a block in a module
- Integrate a function during the module installation
- Integrate the xmdoc module in its module
- Integrate the xmsocial voting system in its module
- Integrate xmsocial's social media into its module
Development tutorials
- API: Application Programming Interface
API resource available on the subdomain dedicated
XMF Framework
- Documentation for proper development with the XMF framework
Documentation for developers: XMF Framework