xSwatch4-enabled Theme v2

10/22/2021 20:30
Rating: 5.0 (1 vote)
xSwatch4-enabled Theme v2

xSwatch4-enabled Theme v2

The monxoops.fr team is proud to offer you the version 2 of the xswatch4-enabled theme.
As a reminder, we have adapted the xSwatch4 theme dedicated for XOOPS 2.5.11 and later to make it operational on the current version of our CMS, XOOPS 2.5.10. Please note that it is also compatible on XOOPS 2.5.11.

To discover all the features and many advantages of this theme, you can find the article Theme xSwatch4-enabled.

List of version 2 contributions:

Added features
  • Light mode / dark mode.
    This feature switches the website to dark mode if your host system (operating system) goes to dark mode and switches to light mode if your host system is in light mode.
    For a detailed explanation, please read the relevant page of the following tutorial:
    Understanding the xSwatch4 theme
    Choice of variants


  • Adding CSS files for customisation.
    The files my_xoops.css and my_xoops_dark.css located in the css directory are now pre-installed and allow you to customise your own CSS style.
    You can also use them to override Bootstrap definitions.
    For a detailed explanation, please read the relevant page of the following tutorial:
    Understanding the xSwatch4 theme
    Customizing the CSS file

Updates and improvements
  • Update of Bootstrap 4.4.1 to 4.6.
  • Optimisation of the breakdown parameters in the Bootstrap grid system.
  • Improvement of the syntax of the footer.
  • Miscellaneous.

Bug fixes
  • Correction of the positioning of a condition test (smarty <{ if }>)
  • Miscellaneous.

Reach the complete card of xSwatch4-enabled V2

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Published 10/22/2021 21:14
  • Administrateur


Excellent travail Alain!

Published 10/22/2021 22:55
  • Administrateur

 Mise à jours des infos

Avec cette version et son lot de nouvelles fonctionnalités, il reste à mettre à jour la doc de la ressource ainsi que le tuto "Comprendre xSwatch4"

Published 11/01/2021 23:35
  • Administrateur

 MAJ Tuto xSwatch4 V2

Ok, tout est à jour maintenant pour être synchrone avec la version 2 de xswatch4-enabled. (doc de téléchargement, tutoriel xswatch4...)

Published 11/15/2021 10:10
Updated 11/15/2021 13:03
  • Administrateur

 Re : Thème xSwatch4-enabled v2

une version Bootstrap 4.6.1 est sortie il y a 15 jours.
Je vais vous préparer une version à jour de xSwatch4 et xswatch4-enabled.
Pour information, la version v2 utilise Bootstrap 4.6.