Bearsampp, the current fork of Neard

08/11/2022 15:00
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Bearsampp, the current fork of Neard

Bearsampp, the current fork of Neard

Bearsampp is a WAMP, i.e. a tool for running an Apache web server on a Microsoft Windows PC.

WAMP for Windows Apache MySQL PHP Pearl.
Logo Bearswamp


Neard, whom you know well if you have already read our article of 28/01/2021 with the title Neard and XOOPS Tutorial
and consulted our tutorial Using WAMP Neard with XOOPS, has not changed for almost 2 years.
I had contacted the author again without success, as he had turned to advanced development on the Docker container in particular.

A new developer has taken over the basics and I am working with him on a small scale.

The fork is now called Bearsampp .
It is fully operational in PHP 8

I can already tell you that the current version allows you to install an XOOPS 2.5.11 beta 2 version without any problems!

Within 1 month, I will prepare a new tutorial for the use of XOOPS and Bearsampp.
You will then be able to test the latest development version of XOOPS very easily.

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