Using WAMP Neard with XOOPS

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Using WAMP Neard with XOOPS

Using WAMP Neard with XOOPS This comprehensive 10-step tutorial will guide you through installing, configuring and setting up Neard, a WAMP suite.

You will learn how to set up a virtual host, install different versions of PHP, and organize folders to host XOOPS in optimal conditions.

Setting up Neard

The setting is done by clicking on the Neard icon Icon neard (left button).
Icône neard

To use XOOPS, we will need the following services - Apache (active),
- PHP (active)
- MariaDB ( currently inactive, visible by the red button present).

We could use MySQL (active here) but since it is proprietary (Oracle), we prefer to use MariaDB.
In terms of use, it is totally identical.

If you prefer to use MySQL, you can skip the next step.

We will see how to install a component in Neard (called a module, not to be confused with XOOPS Modules) and how to have several versions of a module.

Example with the installation and activation of MariaDB,
Example with the installation of different PHP versions and their activation.