How to upgrade XOOPS

Before launching the update, it is necessary to make a backup of the site and the database! It is strongly advised to test the update locally before updating the site in production.
For a good preparation, it is advisable to prepare all the files on your computer before sending them to your server.
The first step is to extract the files contained in the archive. The first step is to extract the files contained in the archive:
For the update, you can keep only the files:
You can copy the htdocs and upgrade folders from the translation into their respective folders in XOOPS.
The upgrade folder can be moved to the htdocs folder of XOOPS.
You now have a single htdocs folder that contains the XOOPS files and the upgrade folder
Don't forget the xoops_data and xoops_lib folders which are normally in outside the site root with another name. Leurs contenus doivent aussi être mis à jour
If you are using a custom theme that is based on a XOOPS theme, you will need to update your theme by looking at the changes that have been made by the XOOPS team to include them in your theme. This part can be complicated, to help you, you can check the change history of the XOOPS theme folder on github: Here