Upgrade smarty 2 to smarty 3/4
The errors listed on the following page will not necessarily appear in the order presented, you will have to navigate through the different sections of the page to find the explanation to correct your error.
For an error of this type:
Erreur: SmartyCompilerException: Syntax error in template "db:db:xmnewsadmincategory.tpl" on line 2
On line 2 the "xoAdminIcons" function is used, so let's look at the "xoAdminIcons errors" section
Important : Search for the template file to be modified
In the example above, the error message indicates that the template concerned is "xmnewsadmincategory.tpl".
This may be in the templatesfolder of the module
or in the modules/name-of-the-module folder of the theme (template overload).
It means /themes/name-of-the-used-theme/modules/name-of-the-module.
Since template overloading takes precedence over module templates, you must first check whether the file is overloaded. If this is not the case then you need to look at the module.
XOOPS saves the template name in the database without the "_" characters.
In our example, the original template is named xmnews_admin_category.tpl
We used the theme xswatch4 which has overloads for the module xmnews.
So we'll find the file to be modified in /themes/xswatch4/modules/xmnews/admin