Using WAMP Neard with XOOPS

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Using WAMP Neard with XOOPS

Using WAMP Neard with XOOPS This comprehensive 10-step tutorial will guide you through installing, configuring and setting up Neard, a WAMP suite.

You will learn how to set up a virtual host, install different versions of PHP, and organize folders to host XOOPS in optimal conditions.

Neard is a WAMP (Windows Apache Mysql Php) software suite, among many others.

What is WAMP
A WAMP is a set of tools for developing websites on a machine with the operating system Microsoft Windows.
It includes:
  • Apache, an http server (web server),
  • MySQL, a database (and other databases such as MariaDB)
  • PHP, a server-side programming language for producing dynamic web pages.

Why use a WAMP?
WAMP is most often used to develop and test websites locally on a Ms Windows PC.
Production will generally be done on a LAMP architecture (System Linux).

Why Neard?
Logo Neard
Neard has many advantages:
  • Free and open source,
  • Portable,
  • Modular (installation / activation / deactivation) of modules,
  • Easy switching between different versions (PHP, MySQL...),
  • Simple setup,
  • Virtual host management, hosteditor...,
  • Many tools available (alias management, PhpMyAdmin...),
  • Default editor and browser association,
  • Several databases available (MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, PostgreSQL),
  • Tools for developers (Composer, console, Git...),
  • Multi-language,
  • Easy to update,
  • and many other features...